#280: Can Envy Be Good for You? by Maria Konnikova

Can Envy Be Good for You?” by Maria Konnikova (The New Yorker)

This is the 4th article by Maria Konnikova that I’ve read and I found myself similarly intrigued and pleased by the insights I gained from this write-up, as her previous 3-part series on sleep. One interesting take away (or realization) for me was how envy can indeed spur us to strive to emulate someone, to replicate or better his/her achievements, if harnessed properly. I think the closer term for this is benign envy? On the other hand, admiration seems to create a sense of resignation in us, instils a belief that we can never be as good and so we should just “admire from afar“, even though it doesn’t wish ill on anyone.

Sounds interesting? Have a read of Maria’s article in the link above.

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